
Asasi di usm
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Multicultural Approaches to Healing and Counseling in Malaysia. Halim Othman, Suradi Salim & Md Shuaib bin Che Din. Browne Miller (Ed.), The Praeger International Collection on Addictions. Germany: VS Verlag Fϋr Sozialwissenschaften. In Boris Mayer & Hans Joachim Kornadt (Hrsg.) (Ed.), Psychologie- Kultur- Gesellschaft. Coping Strategies in Cross- Cultural Comparison. Browne- Miller, (Ed.), Violence and Abuse in Society: Understanding a Global Crisis: Vol 1: Across Time and Nations Vol 2: Populations and Contexts Vol 3: Characteristics and Consequences Vol 4: Approaches and Responses. Proceeding Of Regional Seminar 1991.(Compiled by: Kim Phaik Lah, Loo Seng Piew, Musa Mohamad Razi, See Ching Mey, Haris Md. (Compiled by: Mokhtar Ismail,Shuki Osman, Hashimah Mohd Yunus, Sharifah Norhaidah Syed Idros, See Ching Mey, Khadijah Zon & Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan Abdullah). Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Pendidikan Guru (JPPG) & School of Educational Studies. (Compiled by: Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Mokhtaar Ismail, Khodori Hj Ahmad, Jamil Adimin, Sharifah Norhaidah Syed Idros, Tang Keow Ngang, Hasimah Mohd Yunus, Nor Hasimah, Hasim Othman, See Ching Mey, Loo Seng Piew, Ong Saw Lan, Maznah Ali & Hanisah Yusoff). Of 3rd International Conference On Measurement And Evaluation In Education (ICMEE). Proceeding of International Counseling and Social Work Symposium (ICSWS).(Compiled by: Melissa Ng Lee Yen, See Ching Mey, Angeline Cheah Soo Bee, Azlinda Azman & Aznan Che Ahmad). (Compiled by: Rahimi Che Aman, See Ching Mey, Azlinda Azman, Aswati Hamzah, Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah & Guan Teik Ee). Proceeding of 18th APECA Biennal Conference- Workshop.

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Career Planning Program: A Resource for Counselors to Help Students Assess and Make Career Choices.Basic Education Research Unit, USM. The REACh Way To Transformation.Association of Resource and Education for Autistic Children. Psychological Profile of Adolescent Inventory: A Tool To Assess Adolescents’ Psychological Needs. Association of Resource and Education for Autistic Children. Garis Panduan Pengurusan Kes Kaunseling.Basic Education Research Unit, USM. Counselors Code Ethical (Kod Etika Kaunselor).

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Amir Awang, Abdul Halim Othman, Suradi Salim, See Ching Mey, Mohamad Fadzil Che Din & Fatimah Yusuf.

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